Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To my daughter 3, 5 months. In 3 months we were at the orthopedist...

20.07.2004, 16:20
Hello, the doctor! To my daughter 3, 5 months. In 3 months we were at the orthopedist, he has suspected DTS. It was recommended to make US. I shall cite the given US: heads of a femur are aligned or centred, kernels or cores of ossification is precise not viz-sja. The osteal prominence or mamelon is pointed. The osteal roof is generated correctly. D: <a - 65 degrees, <b - 44 degrees; S: <a - 65, <b - 48.
Type of joints 1. e. According to US to us have told or said, that DTS is not present. Then have sent us on a roentgen. According to the roentgenogram: skoshennost roofs t/a joint, atsetabum an angle of 32 degrees. Have appointed or nominated wide pelenanie "strictly". And the pediatrist has told or said, what is it will not allow the child to develop correctly motorno-the impellent apparatus, and it is possible to wear simply the child in a kangaroo, to dress a pampers, and to wear edgewise, and wide pelenanie to do or make only for the night. Dear, the doctor, tell or say please, that you would advise in this case. Also our diagnosis is how much serious. Thankful in advance.

Porohnja V.S.
22.07.2004, 07:04
If it on the one hand such angle, instead of from two, - that with what? What size h? Also it is asked, for what to you did or made US if the diagnosis all the same only on pictures to put it is possible? If at you an angle really 32 degrees, at you - a congenital dislocation of a femur (what I do not know). It is serious. He is treated by applying stremjan Pavlika for 1 week (to not arrange to the child a painful contracture), then - a functional plaster bandage for the period of 6 months. In 3 months of wearing of a bandage - rentgenkontrol. And further it will be visible.