Просмотр полной версии : Thanks for your answers. Tomorrow we go on obledovanie. Whether you can help or assist races...

19.07.2004, 19:07
Thanks for your answers. Tomorrow we go on obledovanie. Whether you can help or assist to decipher results EEG if there will be questions? Tell or say, instead of whether there can be it any other disease? By questions, our doctors are declined, - to mine, to, whether what is it petit mal. there are bases to such difdiagnostike or at you the diagnosis does not raise the doubts? C than still it is possible to spend difdiagnoz? Thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J., the children's neurologist
21.07.2004, 04:06
Help or Assist with decoding EEG I can, it will be better at opportunity to approach or drop in with results in Morozovskuju b-tsu up to 10.08 (then I in holiday). If you not from Moscow and to arrive a problem - write to me drwn@mail. ru.

Petit mal is not the diagnosis. So the last century or blepharon designated different "small" epileptic attacks, now this term is an anachronism. Besides I am not assured yet, that in your case it is a question of an epilepsy. Except for an autism it is possible to assume absolutely different statuses, for example, nevorticheskie reactions. Without survey podorbnee to tell or say it is impossible.

21.07.2004, 09:04
Thanks you, d-r Nogovitsin! Inspection have passed or have taken place, any deviations or rejections have not found out. Trial treatment of an epilepsy of results yet has not given (2 treatment). Besides on neuroleptics the status of the child potihonechku improves. Began to react is better to the reference or manipulation, carries out requests is better, began to be afraid less of contempoparies, even sometimes tries to play with them, tries to say syllables, odako inclinations still remain, though them became less. We shall be engaged with the children's psychologist. I hope, that the positive tendency to be saved. Tell or say, how it is possible to find out, what is it neurotic reaction? Still time of thanks for your answers.

Nogovitsyn V.J., the children's neurologist
22.07.2004, 06:56
Dear Olga! Trial treatment of an epilepsy - action more often maloopravdannoe. Considering effect of neuroleptics (by the way, what?) vse-taki I am inclined to think, that here first of all a psychiatric problem. To speak more in detail do not undertake, t. To. Not seeing the child such thin moments to estimate or appreciate it is impossible.