Просмотр полной версии : Whether tell or say, please, there are communications or connections with got autoimunnym tireoi...

19.07.2004, 06:02
Whether tell or say, please, there are communications or connections with got autoimunnym a thyroiditis and a mental retardation? My daughter of 11 years, 5 years we are treated. She studies very badly, houses are spent with a lot of time for preparation of homeworks. In school ide completely prepared, and from school brings one three. If such poor progress consequence or investigation of illness or disease. That as it is possible to help or assist the girl? At the moment accepts a thyroxine.
Thanks for the answer.

Krivskaja L.K.
19.07.2004, 14:49
Dear Zoe if the hypothyrosis is badly compensated very much even can. On what dose of a thyroxine now the child and what last hormones?

21.07.2004, 03:10
Last analyses (07.2003) 4 73, 44 (norm or rate 66 181), TTG 0, 946 (0, 27 4, 2). Volume SHCHZH of 11.50 sm a cube., a parenchyma homogeneous, individual linear inspissations. Now accepts a thyroxine on 37, 5 mg.

Krivskaja L.K.
21.07.2004, 13:33
Hormones good. The hypothyrosis is not present. Hence, the reason of its or her difficulties in study, not in a thyroiditis.