Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To the child 2 years. The diagnosis: valgus deformation knee susta...

20.07.2004, 06:37
Hello! To the child 2 years. The diagnosis: valgus deformation of knee joints. It is recommended: an electrophoresis about 5 % CaCl on knee joints, stimulus on an internal surface of an anticnemion and knee joints, massage.
That you still will advise. Thanks

Porohnja V.S.
20.07.2004, 22:21
1. There is a valgus deformation of anticnemions, instead of joints. 2. If it so it is a rachitis. 3. O-figurative deformation comes as well because a tonus of internal group of muscles of legs or foots above, than external. And you raise or increase a tonus of internal muscles even more! 4. The rachitis should be treated, instead of legs or foots.