Просмотр полной версии : uv the doctor at me an encephalopathy with pseudo - a bulbar syndrome speech nevnjatn...

anatoly 40 years
16.07.2004, 12:27
uv the doctor at me an encephalopathy with pseudo - a bulbar syndrome muffled illegible some neuropathologists speak speech that with the logopedist zaniatsja is useless that you will advise thanks for the answer anatoly

The anonym
19.07.2004, 20:01
If closely or attentively will read through conference the HOMEOPATHIST will find there interesting explanations of similar things. Can help or assist. But also with the logopedist necessarily to be engaged it is necessary, which is able to do or make massage of tongue. Better young spetsialist-a private trader. Success.

Agashkina O.M.
20.07.2004, 18:58
Employment or Occupations with the logopedist are simply obligatory! To help or assist you it is possible. Successes!