Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Today on survey the pediatrist has found out a syndrome " a sand-glass...

20.07.2004, 02:44
Today on survey the pediatrist has found out a syndrome of "sand-glass" and suspicion on a pylorostenosis.
To the boy 2 months, he often belchs - both zhidko, and tvorozhkom, and after feeding, and after a while. Sometimes it is a lot of, sometimes absolutely chut-hardly, a fountain seldom. The weight types or collects on 1100 in a month, rolsja 3700, sjchas 5800), for 1 feeding eats on 100 on the average gr.
The doctor has directed on uzi (did not descend or go yet) and has told or said urgently to go to the surgeon, but our surgeon in holiday till September. A question: whether It is possible to wait 2 ned. Or it is necessary to search for other doctor urgently? And whether can uzi put the exact diagnosis?

20.07.2004, 06:15
If the state of health of the child does not suffer, it is quite possible to wait for 2 weeks for now it is possible and necessary to visit or attend the neuropathologist as regurgitations and the vomiting in the early period can testify to a neurologic pathology. The US cannot put the exact diagnosis, the diagnosis is put by the doctor.

Brejkin D.V.
20.07.2004, 14:49
Really US will not help or assist you (it is possible to assume only that there is a stenosis). However if the child well adds in weight, well belchs sometimes, no trouble is not present. At a pylorostenosis there are vomitings a fountain and the child starts to grow thin. Descend or go to the neurologist (or neonatologu).