Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To the son 3 years. The temperature up to 38 3 weeks ago has risen...

18.07.2004, 13:38
The dear doctor!
To the son 3 years. The temperature up to 38 3 weeks ago has risen, 7 and kept 5 days. Febrifugal forced down it or her at some o'clock up to 37. Externally the child was sleepy and did not eat anything only many saws. 2 times the doctor came and 1 time neotlozhka - have put ORVI, have registered antigrippin, fljuditek. Thus rhonchuses, tussis and soplej at it or him were not. On 5 put I began to give Ampicillinum (at own risk having looked or seen record in a card lora by old illness or disease). The temperature slept. The child became active and began to eat. For 9 day we have gone or send to the local doctor on reception - have made a roentgen and have diagnosed a bronchitis - rhonchuses. The picture has shown in lungs purely or cleanly and the child has never coughed! Have registered 3 days other antibiotic and erespal. On 14 put the doctor the pleuritis has diagnosed. At the child is not present either tussis, or a rhinitis, in lungs purely or cleanly, rhonchuses are not present. He is active, does not sweat. I cannot understand, if he for all time has never coughed, whence at it or him a bronchitis and where he has got to? What is the pleuritis? How it or him to treat and on what basis the doctor can put such diagnosis? Whether it is necessary to heat the child? We sdeli on 5 sessions UHF, quartz and inhalations with borzhomi.

19.07.2004, 13:17
I godovalogosyna had a similar situation. Tempereturu could not bring down, did not cough. Diagnosed - a tracheitis... And in a week there was a pneumonia streptokokovaja, reanimation, a hemotransfusion... Pierced a pleura about a pleuritis... When have pierced, the liquid was not. Plevrit-it when in a pleura the liquid accumulates. So it is better to not start.. If the temperature to heat it is impossible. And to treat it is necessary antibiotics. To us klofaran put.

Brejkin D.V.
19.07.2004, 16:29
The diagnosis "pleuritis" is put on the basis of complaints and attributes of illness or disease, survey and radiological inspection. Pleurites at children usually treat in hospital as punctures of a pleura often are required.