Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, the Doctor! The problem in the following - the girl 4 years, houses behaves...

17.07.2004, 22:26
Zdrastvujte, the Doctor! The problem in the following - the girl 4 years, houses behaves as hurricane, knows many verses and so on, and in sadike verses mutters to itself, to questions of tutors on employment or occupations does not respond, behaves very silently. Yours faithfully, I look forward to hearing

Pisarenko N.A.
19.07.2004, 13:21
I not absolutely see a question, but the girl is timid and disturbing, and houses she, naturally, relaxs or is relaxed. It is necessary to show the child to the psychologist to find out a situation, whence the alarm, timidity and then to solve, that it is possible to make.