Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To a daughter 3 months, and till now without pelenanija we do not manage. ZHalk...

18.07.2004, 00:31
Hello! To a daughter 3 months, and till now without pelenanija we do not manage. It is a pity the girl, certainly it is not pleasant to her. But what to do or make? With handles of awakes, and in general without a motion desease does not fall asleep or fall asleep, though at my friends the child of the same age falls asleep itself in krovatke. It is normal or a parameter of the raised or increased nervous excitability? Thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
19.07.2004, 01:39
Basically it is normal. Problems with a dream at this age VERY SELDOM CONCERN To the COMPETENCE of NEUROLOGISTS (if it really problems, instead of the natural inconveniences tested by parents). More in detail see http: // www. neuro. net. ru/org/dknp/aif242. html