Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! At the son (9 years) since the early childhood on cheeks (and recently steel pojavljat...

17.07.2004, 19:44
The doctor!
At the son (9 years) since the early childhood on cheeks (and recently began to appear and on a nose) small light pryshchichki (are visible only by close treating and naoshchup). Doctors speak, what is it an occlusion of sebaceous ducts. Have appointed or nominated treatment: in the morning and to wipe Acidum salicylicum in the evening and to smear skinorenom. Has not helped or assisted. Differin too has not helped or assisted. There can be a reason gde-that inside? At it or him a problem with GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (diskenezija ZHVP). Advise, please, something! I am afraid, as though these or it pryshchiki in the course of time have not turned to acnes.

Albanova V.I.
18.07.2004, 12:28
I think, what is it the beginning already of acnes. Try to grease retinoevoj with ointment, only it is long - 2 3 months.