Просмотр полной версии : With skolki months it is possible to start to lure the child with predrospolozhennos...

15.07.2004, 07:22
With skolki months it is possible to start to lure the child with predrospolozhennostju to an allergy (both the parent allergiki) fruit and vegetable mashed potatoes? Iz-for problems of a regurgitation my child has badly recovered, and I have been compelled or forced to translate or transfer it or him on the mixed delivery. To the boy 3 and a half of a month and from 5 I it or him nurse 3 receptions of nutrition. To pass completely only on isskustvennoe milk I do not want.

16.07.2004, 16:26
And why so seldom feed? And nursed on a regimen or on demand? Has a little added is how much? Try a thicket to give a breast and do not hurry with prikormom - till 6 months at least.

17.07.2004, 13:45
Doctors advise to feed the child 3 h months of 5 times in day. I feed it or him from a birth on demand. And he has recovered for 3 months on 1650. Milk at me was much, but the child from second month has started to belch in each reception of peep and very much in lots or plenties. After has started to give iskustvennoe milk (1 butylochku in day) milk became less and the child almost refuses a breast. It is necessary to decant and give from butylochki. I think, that till 6 months so I shall not hold on and instead of passing on iskustvennoe milk would like to start to give him vegetable and fruit mashed potatoes of house preparation with 4 h months.

18.07.2004, 02:03
Anna, do not listen that doctors advise, I observe of the child. You mum and anybody cannot understand it or him is better. The child can eat in 2 3 hours at such age and only at night little bit less. If you have started to lure it or him iz-for frequent and plentiful regurgitations you should lure only a special children's delivery, consult at the doctor or in a drugstore. And to lure try or taste from 4, 5 months most neallergichnymi fruit, but it is better to begin with boiled vegetables. Begin with very small doses and vyderzhivajtee it or her some days, whether to find out there is an allergy on this kind of a product. Success.

18.07.2004, 05:26
Feed the child more often. My daughter 3 months and I till now feed it or her on demand. Sometimes she too belchs, but with an admixture to hurry up it is not necessary. If give dokorm it is better from a spoon. Detki too are inclined to a freebie, and iz-for bottles can throw a breast. Successes!