Просмотр полной версии : To the son 2 years. From the beginning of summer was ill 4 5 times. Vospolenie gorla-not strong...

Alexander of M.
16.07.2004, 19:12
To the son 2 years. From the beginning of summer was ill 4 5 times. Vospolenie gorla-not strong, the nose all vreme is full that transparent that greenish sopljami. Last time was ill three weeks nazad-again has begun with a nose and though the doctor at once has given a drop and vitamins, vsyotaki has gone down on a throat, and then and on the right ear. The ENT has given antibiotics. Week has had a drink, the ear has passed or has taken place but the throat and a nose is not present. Then have given other antibiotic but here he three weeks on former muchietsja with a nose and tussis which that dry that rhonchial. At night postojano wakes up from tussis and hrap strong of a nose. We have thought that can be alergija. What to do or make?

Balashova T.L.
18.07.2004, 01:37
Alexander, there is a reason supporting or maintaining constant presence of an infection in a nose, a pharynx. Probably, it is adenoides. It is possible to tell or say more precisely, only having looked or seen the child.