Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At a daughter (9 months) at crying the expressed tremor of a mandible....

17.07.2004, 11:40
Hello. At a daughter (9 months) at crying the expressed tremor of a mandible. She often byotsja a head about what has got (now studies to go). In the rest - the good dream, normally eats, neurologies any more are not present. The doctor has diagnosed at survey - an encephalopathy, has appointed or nominated Diazepamum 0, 003 papaverine 0, 003. From the beginning of reception the child, alongside with a small flaccidity seems to me, that, all became more restless, nervous, whining. Very much I doubt about Diazepamum, prompt, be so are kind what to do or make? Thanks.

Bagautdinova I.V.
17.07.2004, 23:26
If you omnevaetes in efficiency of the appointed or nominated treatment repeatedly address to the neuropathologist (to the same or another - if do not trust the first), correction of treatment iz-for inidvidualnyh features of an acceptability of preparations is probably necessary.