Просмотр полной версии : The spindle-shaped ventricular tachycardia is how much serious dvunapravlenno-...

10.07.2004, 09:43
The spindle-shaped ventricular tachycardia of type a pirouette, revealed is how much serious dvunapravlenno-at monitoring? Still is available s-m extended QT. At what diseases of heart vstechaetsja the given tachycardia at children?

Tutelman K.M.
14.07.2004, 05:48
It very much (!!!) a serious pathology. The given kind of an arrhythmia concerns to zhizneugrozhaemym!!! And most likely he is connected just with elongation of interval QT. Urgent, urgent consultation of the cardiologist and purpose or appointment antriaritmicheskoj is necessary for therapy!!! In Moscow is better to address in the Center of disturbances of an intimate or a cardiac rhythm at children (street Taldomskaja d. 2). Ph. 483 30 65

16.07.2004, 21:36
Big to you thanks for consultation!