Просмотр полной версии : To the child He eats 4 months on 200. Admixtures 4 times a day. And itself has passed on p...

14.07.2004, 14:30
To the child He eats 4 months on 200. Admixtures 4 times a day. And itself has passed to a similar regimen. Both the pediatrist and other people speak what to feed it is necessary 5 times a day on 115. But he became so is, in 115 grams he does not gorge on and shouts, and if it is more him to not give, he begins itself is on 50. Each hour. How it or him to feed? In advance thanks!

16.07.2004, 01:25
Branislav, each child is individual. I do not understand, why he should eat how it or this is wanted by the pediatrist. You look on development of the child - as he types or collects weight, that already is able to do or make (overturns on a tummy, tries to sit, can, already...) By the way if he iskusstvennki, can 4 already begin months prikorm - between feedings jablochko baked or mashed potatoes... Successes!

Mum of the kid
16.07.2004, 04:10
Feed how the child wants. To him is more visible, whether it is not enough, that doctors speak are the average norms or rates.