Просмотр полной версии : zdravstvuite, at me takoi a question (it is possible or probable glupyi, but very much excites me)-...

09.07.2004, 02:17
zdravstvuite, at me takoi a question (it is possible or probable glupyi, but very much excites me) - doche 11 months, since month 4 h has paid attention to 2 pink maculae but to a nose. When she strongly cries, becomes covered by similar maculae, only they then vanish, when she calms down or is abirritated, and these or it are always visible. Recently has appeared one more about an eye. Tell or say, what is it, whether will be gone in due course or it is necessary to go to the dermatologist. Many thanks, Ira

Albanova V.I.
12.07.2004, 23:06
Unfortunately, I cannot tell or say without survey, what is this maculae and whether it is necessary you to worry.

16.07.2004, 01:36
I think what is it vascular nevuses. At my son such maculae on a forehead and centuries or blepharons. Has re-read mountain of the literature, it is usual these maculae disappear by two years, but very seldom remain for all life, I have in view of that visually they will not be visible, but will be shown in that case if the girl will cry, be nervous, etc. That is when the blood will flow to vessels.