Просмотр полной версии : Heard, that inoculations can cause or call set of negative reactions, with serezn...

Not that
05.07.2004, 09:19
Heard, that inoculations can cause or call set of negative reactions, with serious consequences, including an allergy (as alimentary) even if the child earlier from it or her and did not suffer. Whether so it? And in general, that it is better: to do or make inoculations, or to not do or make them at all???????

Dr. Alexander Kotok
05.07.2004, 14:52
Glance on my site (track or look after, all without blanks!) http: // www. homeoint. org/kotok Not only an allergy - even mors. Do not make of the decision before you firmly for yourselves solve, you are interested in inoculations for the child or not.

06.07.2004, 23:39
The dear doctor! You though have understood, that have written? " Do not make of the decision while firmly do not solve ". Also what you meant? In occasion of inoculations everyone solves itself. I have personally made a decision, when have seen kak-that transfer about the person who has had been ill in the childhood a poliomyelitis. Inoculations at it or him were not. Transfer was not about inoculations, and otom as he has found itself(himself) in a life. For the person does not work anything, except for a head, even lungs on the apparatus of artificial respiration. I under impression till now. Still I recommend to take an interest, how much thousand children have died of a scarlatina, a diphtheria and other diseases (besides when inoculations yet did not do or make). Still learn or find out statistics on a tuberculosis. pochemu-that seems to me, that the risk to die of an inoculation nevertheless is much less, than from illness or disease without an inoculation. Besides without inoculations of the child will not accept in one children's collective.

Dr. Alexander Kotok
08.07.2004, 05:12
You have passed or have taken place a successful course of propaganda zombiing. Perhaps slightly dezombirovatsja - welcome on my site. There will be questions - shall discuss. If wish to remain a priori at the belief - to speak there is nothing, what for air all for nothing to shake. As to "to take an interest", I "not am or "be not interested" in a subject of inoculations, and I am engaged professionally - as the historian of medicine and the owner of a scientific degree. In ANY collective (a day nursery, a garden, school...) not vaccinated child are obliged to take according to the federal law from 1998 About all is on my site, allow to not repeat in thousand time. Good luck.

Dr. Alexander Kotok
08.07.2004, 09:00
In occasion of a tautology with "decision" - certainly, it simply clause.

In support Red
08.07.2004, 13:44
iz-for this disgraces with inoculations in Russia till now children are ill or sick both TB, and korju, both a scarlatina and the god knows than still. We from America are afraid to go home with two children just because children entirely not imparted or vaccinated.
Still I wish to address to t. n. To the doctor. Very unpleasantly to read similar aggressive messages from the doctor. And more more unpleasantly that you the rank press on the others. You not true in last instance, and the facts about which writes Red, speak more loudly you.

Dr. Alexander Kotok
09.07.2004, 15:23
Well, though nonsense frank do not write. What attitude or relation of an inoculation have to a scarlatina? From a scarlatina in general inoculations were not and are not present. And to a tuberculosis? In America do not impart or inoculate from a tuberculosis - illness or disease of this there practically is not present. In Russia impart or inoculate all newborns it is universal or without exception - and as partly result of it or this a tuberculosis on rise. If you the FACTS, instead of propagation interest, kortoroj you are impregnated, start to think own head, and you will see all lie of vaccinating business. Other prescription is not present. Before, alas, to speak meanwhile there is nothing.

Not that
11.07.2004, 01:33
Thanks all for answers, but I, nevertheless agree with d-A.K.Moj's rum the younger brother hardly have not died after inoculation AKDS (have hardly pumped out in reanimation). I work in sots. A department where are engaged in veneering of privileges and payments detjam-to invalids. And so: 3 t children became invalids, after the inoculation transferred or carried by the childhood. I have a lot of information against inoculations. And, by the way, on bill BTSZH (an inoculation from a tuberculosis), if she so is effective, what for everyone half a year to do or make to children mantu, and why at us in the country almost epidemic of a tuberculosis (in fact earlier (and now if strongly to not resist) all children imparted or inoculated in a maternity home without fail). With red not soglastna it is absolute (opinion delitantskoe, it is felt, that seriously person it or this not interisovalsja). Children or guys from America simply amaze! Well explain, than our not vaccinated children can do much harm your imparted or vaccinated, in fact it is our children are exposed to risk to be ill, and you (if to look your eyes) are completely protected. I consider or count, that parents thoughtlessly substituting popki, rotiki and handles of the kids under inoculations, simply wish to remove or take off from myself any responsibility, in fact in case of what only and slyshesh: " This all state, is doctors, etc. " all Turns out, bad, and they good therefore how to reflect it or him it would not be desirable, and now their normal children became invalids and already to return nothing, only to make out sots. Grants or manuals. I know absolutely precisely, that doctors were divided or ed undresswere in opinions into the bill of universal bacterination. I How much could did not do or make to the boy (2. 5.) Inoculations, but now we are going to in it is put. A garden and though there is a law on which us are obliged to take in an organ. ucherezhdenija, in practice, as it has appeared, he practically does not work. Us put on turn, speak, that there are no places, think out tens other reasons. Finally, I feel, that or to us it is necessary to refuse from it is put. A garden or to do or make these inoculations.

12.07.2004, 08:03
Well if you already have solved all, that then ask? First write " heard, that inoculations can cause or call... ", and then respond, that there were problems at your brother, moreover and at the job have seen enough everyones posleprivivochnyh horrors. I once again repeat is a personal choice of everyone. One doctors argumentirovanno will prove to you, that inoculations are necessary, and others - that from them die. Both those, and others will result or bring mass of examples from a life.

12.07.2004, 18:43
I - FOR inoculations. My mum carefully watched or kept up, that at me all inoculations have been made in time. Result - I anything never hurted, short of an angina and ORZ, and it that I from 1 year went to a day nursery, and then in a kindergarten. So also the daughter I shall do or make inoculations. I consider or count, that the main thing in inoculations - correctly to prepare an organism for an inoculation if all is made correctly also problems do not happen.

13.07.2004, 22:10
Nata, really you fondly believe, that did not hurt or be ill;be sick, because to you mum has made all inoculations - same (at least) fondly. I am inclined to agree what to do or make or not do or make an inoculation, each parents should solve, therefore as, it only their responsibility. A trouble that bolshenstvo mums and daddies piously believe in salutary force of inoculations. And on what only osnovanna this confidence, absolutely not clearly!? You, what, really think, what if not inoculations would be ill with all from what you vaccinated? And whether know, what almost each inoculation has the terms of effective action then the revaccination is necessary? Allow to learn or find out, when to you did or made last inoculation (a question cleanly rhetorical)?!!

14.07.2004, 14:33
Fondly it is not naive, however did not hurt or be ill;be sick... And I did or made last inoculation at own desire 2 years ago. It was the inoculation from a diphtheria, a revaccination because previous it has been made 10 years ago. And more about sacred belief - doctors vse-taki not enemies to us (in the majority), time it is developed system of inoculations, means it has under itself some bases.