Просмотр полной версии : To the child of 13 years. Have made a tomography of a brain. In the conclusion it is written:...

11.07.2004, 00:47
To the child of 13 years. Have made a tomography of a brain. In the conclusion it is written: the Partial agenesia of a transparent septum, a cyst of a transparent septum, the individual centers glioza a brain. Inspection has shown: the topography of median structures or frames is not broken or disturbed. The Subarachnoid space, basal tanks are not expanded, not deformed. Lateral ventricles are symmetric, expanded at a level of bodies up to 10 mm, in a projection transparent peregorodkiopredeljaetsja a cyst 3, 9 * 0, 7 * 2, 7 sm, likvornoj the signal strength, passing in 3 a ventricle, 4 yj is not changed. At a level of subcortical structures or frames on the right (a head hvostatogo kernels or cores), in white substance temporal the individual centers glioza up to 34 mm, hyperintensive on 2, rd, gipointensivnye on 1. The pituitary body is not increased. The basic sinus pnevmatizirovana. The doctor, tell or say, please, than it threatens the child, what forecast for the future and it is treated by something or not?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
11.07.2004, 17:45
Treat not a picture on MRT, and the patient. You do not write that with the child so the answer will not be.

12.07.2004, 09:18
The child develops normally. To the neurologist have addressed approximately in 6 years (the boy, as well as the senior brother who was observed at the neurologist since a birth, could not jump on one leg or foot, quickly got tired from fiz. Loads and often complained of a pain in the left leg or foot under kolenkoj). The diagnosis: a link sided hemiparesis. Now complaints the following: headaches about time in 2 weeks, meteozavisim, all as gets tired and complains of onychalgias, fine movements though turn out better, than several years ago, but handwriting bad, tablewares and the handle holds incorrectly, all studies worse and worse. Behaviour equal.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
14.07.2004, 13:31
Voobshche-that complaints and changes on MRT not specific. Most likely it is possible to be limited to periodic observation at the neurologist. More exact estimation of this situation in absentia to give it is impossible.