Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At the son (14 years) the facial expression of the right half of face is broken or disturbed...

12.07.2004, 04:31
Hello, the doctor! At the son (14 years) the facial expression of the right half of face is broken or disturbed, the eye is badly closed, the corner of a mouth does not obey. Of a pain does not complain. Moreover, if I have not told or said to him, that have noticed something unusual on behalf of, he and has not paid attention. Today the first day, to the doctor did not address yet. It is possible for something to make before visiting an out-patient department?

Malmberg Sergey Aleksandrovich
12.07.2004, 19:11
Dear Olga. At your son the neuritis of the right facial nerve (disease infektsionno-the allergic nature) has developed - urgently address to the neurologist (do not wait further 21.05). While submit Indomethacinum on 1 tab. 3 of time to day. Hospitalization Is required. Call 324 71 52 or 324 33 66.