Просмотр полной версии : To the son 3 years and 6 months. Speaks only separate syllables. Understands when about...

11.07.2004, 17:36
To the son 3 years and 6 months. Speaks only separate syllables. Understands when you ask something to bring, likes to listen to the tape recorder. Has a congenital abdominal bilaterial cryptorchism. We shall soon do or make operation. Questions such: 1. Whether the delay of speech development is connected with a cryptorchism? 2. Whether it is necessary to address already in the speech center or it is possible wait for about 4 years there can be all will be adjusted?

Hohlacheva A.S.
12.07.2004, 06:28
Zadrezhka speech development with a cryptorchism cannot be connected. In occasion of a delay of speech development necessarily address to experts. You should specify the diagnosis and depending on it or him to make the plan of correctional exercises.
Speech of the child in three years is characterized by the following:
1. Vrechi the three-year child practically should not be agrammatizmov.
2. Communication or connection of words in the offer is adjusted by means of the terminations or endings and pretexts, the unions are used, the basic parts of speech are used all.
3. The lexicon is characterized not only words of cleanly household subjects, meet words of estimated value or meaning;importance, a word of generalization. The child already operates with some patrimonial concepts.
4. Zvukoproiznoshenie yet completely corresponds or meets to norm or rate. Are absent hissing and sonornye. Firm and soft sounds differ with the majority of children.
5. Words with complex or difficult syllabic structure or frame and with confluences of consonants can be said iskazhenno.
6. If at the child the positive attitude or relation to books is generated, he likes to listen on mnogu to time familiar fairy tales and verses. Well remembers the text and literally reproduces it or him. Free retelling by the words still is not present.
7. Understands simple subject pictures.
If something remains obscure, write.