Просмотр полной версии : Hello. On 2 ohm month to the kid have put a dysplasia. A sign was not...

09.07.2004, 09:31
Hello. On 2 ohm month to the kid have put a dysplasia. A sign was incomplete delution of legs or pinches. Then we treated intracranial pressure, there was a raised or an increased tonus of muscles. Did or made massage, then legs or pinches completely rakryvalis. The kid has started to jump, pull activly legs or pinches. Any painful cries, crying did not observe. Now to us of 6 months. Tell or say, whether there can vse-taki be a dysplasia?? We did not pass or take place the further inspection and kak-that have forgotten about it or this. Massazhistka has completely assured me that there is no dysplasia. But I understand what is it not on its or her speciality. But now I was again disturbed or alarmed. What can be still signs? Than untimely treatment threatens?? Thanks.

Porohnja V.S.
12.07.2004, 03:43
There is no such diagnosis "dysplasia". Visit or attend the children's orthopedist.