Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me such question! To me 23 years and all this time me...

09.07.2004, 23:40
Hello the doctor! At me such question! To me 23 years and time me excruciate all this, as the logopedist klonichiskie speaks cramps. Or a stammering. It is shown so, at strong excitement at me cramps in the field of vocal chords begin and to breathe to me begins difficultly. And as speaks, the doctor for this reason I repeat the same syllables and letters. Treatment: respiratory gymnastics, reception restful a phytogenesis (broth of Valeriana, dushitsy), reading of texts with correctly placed pauses. Recently has advised will address to the neuropathologist who will advise stronger restful. As you consider or count, whether correctly me treat! And whether it is possible to cure "it" or only to weaken or easy a degree of disease. Also that you will advise. Thanks.

Agashkina O.M.
10.07.2004, 12:56
Marina, a stammering overcome in a complex, improving influence and logopedic job is understood lechebno-. To the first concerns: creation of a favorable situation for treatment, medicamental treatment (the neuropathologist appoints or nominates), fizio-and a psychotherapy. The maintenance or contents of logopedic job (employment or occupations) depends on structure or frame of disturbance, from age, current of a stammering, the attitude or relation stammering to the defect and many drugi factors. Logopedic employment or occupations are spent in the certain system, consistently. If at you the clonic form zikanija and sudorgi are localized in the respiratory apparatus (respiratory cramps the respiratory gymnastics is necessarily necessary for putting off or taking out of these or thus most dyh. Cramps.. Medicamental treatment is appointed or nominated by the doctor if it is necessary (already spoke). The forecast of overcoming depends on many conditions: from mechanisms of a stammering, from terms of the beginning of complex influence and completeness of its or his application, from age, etc. Than there are less than departments of the speech apparatus it is grasped by a cramp and than less cramp, the less than mental stratifications, the the forecast is more favorable. For a stammering developing because of congenital otjagchenija or peobretennoj nejropatii, and also appeared without visible external influences, the forecast is less favorable. Respiratory cramps are more successfully eliminated or erased;removed, than voice, tonic forms disappear easier, than tonic. The forecast depends on the person of "patient", from the person and skill of the logopedist. Success!

12.07.2004, 02:29
Marina, a stammering - a piece complex or difficult and very interesting. Now there is a heap of methods of overcoming of a stammering, on the effective... I can tell or say what to reduce display of cramps and even to clean or remove them quite really. Simply sometimes, during the periods of the strong stresses, clear business, can it will be shown again. Well as chronic disease, it too gives in to treatment, but at adverse situations is shown again. That for today I can advise you what itself really saw? The first - can address in the Center of a pathology of speech and nejroreabillitatsii. This center is near to underground Taganskaja in territory of a city hospital. There there is a remarkable unit of overcoming of a stammering at adults. The principal of the center himself much that has made in the field of a stammering. The experts working there, skilled or experienced logopedists. Believe what there to get to work, it is necessary to be the logopedist with a greater or big stock of knowledge and practice in the given area. I precisely know it:) . Than there it is good? Integrated approach. It is very important. Individual and group employment or occupations with the logopedist, with the psychologist... Consultations and observation of the neuropathologist. Voobshchem if a detailed information and examples are necessary to you more - write logoped@netbox. ru
And here one more advice or council. Studying or investigating for all operating time such thing as nejro-linvisticheskoe programming, I have found one more method of job at a stammering. I can advise to address to NLP - to the trainer. Write, I shall tell to you in more detail. Calmnesses and success to you, Marina!