Просмотр полной версии : At daughters (half a year) one leg or pinch is more another. Wore stapeses Pavlika z month...

09.07.2004, 14:47
At daughters (half a year) one leg or pinch is more another. Wore stapeses Pavlika z month. Did or made massage, an electrophoresis, paraffin. Then have made a x-ray film - the doctor has told or said that it's OK - the dislocation is not present. Than the difference of legs or pinches can be still caused or called. As it or her to treat, that we can make. Vitamins, preparations. As doctors treat. Thanks.

Porohnja V.S.
09.07.2004, 22:24
That you did or made all, it would be necessary to do or make only on the basis of x-ray films t/joints. Where they?

The anonym
11.07.2004, 10:10
There was a difference of cords or crimps and a difference of legs or pinches. Delution full. In a month a picture to do or make did not become - there all the same nothing is visible - have dressed or endow stapeses and did or made all under the worst script (as at a congenital dislocation). In 4, 5 months - have removed or have taken off stapeses and have made a picture. On a picture our doctor has told or said, that very well (its or his qualification does not cause or cause doubts - the doctor the orthopedist, Kazan) and with bones it's OK. Has told or said to come in January.
By 6 months the difference and remains. Wished to descend or go to the doctor - but it or him is not present, he on business trip, therefore have addressed to you. The picture is. On a picture it is visible, that bones on one leg or pinch are more thin, and all rest - as in the textbook of anatomy;)). I understand - that without a picture you hardly can help or assist - but while there is no our doctor advise what to do or make. Thanks.

Porohnja V.S.
11.07.2004, 21:22
Who has solved, what in a month nothing is visible? If the orthopedist find another. And here you have lost precious time. Who has told or said, what the congenital dislocation of a femur in a month is treated by stapeses? It is not enough of it or this. If the Kazan doctor treats so all other competent orthopedists have doubts in occasion of its or his qualification. On it or this the difference in length of legs or foots also remains!!! If the doctor kuda-that disappears, good glavrach coordinates or agreees with other out-patient departments what doctors will replace absent, instead of throws children without health services. In the textbook of anatomy there is no children's skeleton - there vzroslue a bone, and it very much a greater or big difference! I advise - show all pictures.