Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please. To my daughter 2 months Did or Made US of a hip joint....

07.07.2004, 17:44
Prompt please. To my daughter 2 months Did or Made US of a hip joint. There was a congenital subluxation of the left and right joint. Left: 38 betta 80, right: an alpha 32 83. It is appointed or nominated rasporka Frejka in current 1 mes constantly. The girl in her constantly shouts. And to shout to her nelzja-the raised or increased intracranial pressure. What to do or make? Can be eat any other ways of treatment of a subluxation. Whether the truth that at constant wearing rasporki legs or foots can and remain in a pose of a frog after its or her putting off or taking out and the child cannot normally go?

Porohnja V.S.
08.07.2004, 20:20
Joints not vyvihivajutsja, vyvihivajutsja bones. On US of the necessary information for statement of the diagnosis to receive it is impossible - it is necessary to do or make a x-ray film in a direct projection. There is pillow Frejka (which for a long time any more do not treat) and splint Vilenskogo, and rasporki Frejka does not exist. Any treatment t/joints should be spent not less than 4, 5 months - for 1 month will cure nothing. Constant cry of the child in a fixative speaks for presence of the Painful contracture which is even worse than a subluxation. This complication of incorrectly imposed fixative. For it arms or hand should be torn off. Urgently remove or take out this crap and in current of 1 month treat the Painful contracture, and that the necrosis of a head t/a joint would will be. In " a pose of a frog " anybody yet did not remain even if treatment was tightened or delayed for years. Where do you live and who treats you?

09.07.2004, 07:26
The dear doctor! Thanks for the answer. And this crap as you were expressed (pillow Frejka) to us have registered in a regional children's orthopedic out-patient department in Sokolnikah after US. On a shortcut it has been written: rasporka Frejka. Tell or say and as today treat subluxations left and right t joints. By the way a subluxation left and right t joints - a phrase from the conclusion of results of US. I look forward to your answer.

Porohnja V.S.
10.07.2004, 04:02
It is very bad, that in Moscow so treat. Write number or room of an out-patient department and a surname of the orthopedist. Obviously he does not go on monthly conferences on an orthopedics - differently would not treat so. It he has diagnosed you " a subluxation of a joint " or so you have written from the words? For revealing a pathology t/joints of US would not do or make - it is impossible for something to reveal. Treatment of a subluxation includes applying stremjan Pavlika with wide pelenaniem. Delution of legs or pinches by a lining wide pelenanija should be gradual to avoid complication - a painful contracture. Stapeses are worn constantly, at their change it is necessary to keep arms or hand of a leg or pinch of the child in position as in stapeses. Stremjan it is necessary sshit a little. To wear stapeses not less than 4, 5 months. Rentgenkontrol after 2 months of wearing stremjan. To watch or keep up bringing down of a head. After treatment stapeses to replace with splint Vilenskogo even a month on 1, 5 2 with gradual decrease of abduction. After treatment to apply massage and fizioprotsedury. This treatment of a uncomplicated pathology, and at you a painful contracture. Therefore it is necessary to remove or take off urgently all, in current of 3 weeks to treat a painful contracture that there would be no necrosis of a head t/a joint, and then to begin all with the beginning, but unfortunately, time is missed.

10.07.2004, 22:28
The doctor prompt and whether it is necessary to treat a painful contracture if pillow Frejka have put on or allocate only at 3 o'clock one day. After the child began to be come we cry it or her have removed or have taken off and any more did not dress. And if it is necessary, prompt what methods. We addressed for the help in Moscow regional children's ortopedo surgical hospital of regenerative treatment. I shall not recollect a surname of the orthopedist. If in such establishment we could not receive the qualified help (and all of us paid) to that can be believed and trusted. One hope for you. Thanks for the help.

Porohnja V.S.
11.07.2004, 15:31
Hardly for 3 hours the painful contracture could develop. It is necessary to look the child and to show it or him also to the neuropathologist that he too has excluded a contracture. And than you are now treated?