Просмотр полной версии : Dear Lyudmila Iosifovna! To My daughter 2, 5 months, she some days...

09.07.2004, 12:18
Dear Lyudmila Iosifovna! To My daughter 2, 5 months, she some days rubs cams of an eye, not so that all time, but quite often, and sometimes slezki cost or stand, even if she does not cry. After awakening eye sights or eyes "sour" hardly more usual, two days ago there was very easy or light;mild reddening on the left lower eyelid (has wiped thoracal molochkom - has passed or has taken place). More nothing is appreciable. Not noticeably, that it very much disturbed it or her, but in fact time she them rubs, means, are scratched? While I wash out pure or clean warm vodichkoj and thoracal milk. Whether it is necessary to show it or her to the doctor or it is possible for something to make most, and in general what is it can be?
Thanks for advice or council

Gorlacheva L.I.
10.07.2004, 20:28
Dear Vick if signs will be saved, and also at occurrence separated from eyes I advise to show the child to the children's ophthalmologist internally.