Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Help or Assist!!!!!!!!! Diko the throat - an angina already 3 y de hurts...

Help or Assist!!
08.07.2004, 17:38
Hello, Help or Assist!!!!!!!!!
Diko the throat - an angina already 3 y day hurts. Not oblachaet a status not a gargle evkaliptom, neither greasing oblepihovym butter or oil, nor compresses, hot drink with honey. And especially not poglotaesh - it seems to me. What is the tonsils are visible outside, is direct through a neck. Advise, than to remove or take off this wild pressure? I shall be lost in fact young and beautiful. I can not only swallow, it becomes difficult to breathe . Sentry!!!!

09.07.2004, 11:36
And it can not an angina? Urgently to the doctor it is necessary

10.07.2004, 12:07
Angina treat only antibiotics....... .nikakoj evkalipt will not help or assist....
So descend or go to the doctor..... .esli do not wish to receive mass of complications...