Просмотр полной версии : Dear Victor Semenovich! After the spent treatment in occasion of a subluxation...

07.07.2004, 06:56
Dear Victor Semenovich! After the spent treatment in occasion of subluxation TBS (stapeses Pavlika 2, 5 mes, an electrophoresis, baths, paraffinic applications, exercises on delution of legs or foots) at a daughter in 6 months on the control roentgenogram atsetabuljarnye indexes became 24 and 28 (Were in 3 months 37 and 32). The orthopedist in an out-patient department has told or said, that there were residual phenomena, has allowed to remove or take off stapeses, has appointed or nominated massage and el. Stimulation. Visit has appointed or nominated in 3 months. In your opinion, whether it is enough etoih purposes or appointments for full restoration in the given interval of time? What value or meanings;importance atsetabuljarnyh indexes are norm or rate in 6 months? Whether any purposes or appointments Are required to us still. Much to our regret we live not in Moscow, and we have no an opportunity to consult at you internally. I shall be grateful for your references.

Gusujnov M.M
09.07.2004, 01:05
Dear Maria atsetabuljarnyj an index in the age of 6 mes approximately within the limits of 18 - 22 And on the bill of duration of treatment I agree with your orthopedist. But not looking on koiniko-radiological acknowledgement or confirmations of treatment the child should be till 6 years under observation of the orthopedist and periodically receive you specified fizio procedures

Porohnja V.S.
09.07.2004, 11:25
You did not inform stapeses (their your doctor has early removed or has early taken off) here and there were residual phenomena. It is necessary to inform stapeses, and then to pass to the splint, etc. It is necessary to measure still size h. The scheme or plan of treatment on my site orthopedist. ru

Porohnja V.S.
10.07.2004, 05:48
Dear doctor Gusujnov, would familiarize with the scheme or plan of treatment of a pathology t/a joint approved or confirmed MZ the Russian Federation on my site that at us disagreements were not.