Просмотр полной версии : Many thanks for the previous answers, they have very much calmed me. But bukvaln...

Utkina E.V.
09.07.2004, 10:54
Many thanks for the previous answers, they have very much calmed me. But it is literally in day again rise of temperature up to 38.5 (kept within 5 days). The doctor has diagnosed catarral
Angina. Has appointed or nominated Amoksiklav within 10 days. During treatment of temperature was not. Even in the evenings normal - 36.8. Have made US of kidneys (after treatment) - it's OK, the repeated analysis of a blood - in norm or rate.
Today again in the morning - 37.4. The child does not go to a garden. The opportunity of repeated infection is excluded.
The catarral phenomena are not present.
Not clearly, what can give such temperature???

Muraveva E.M.
10.07.2004, 00:17
On a background of an angina quite probably current of a two-dimensional infection, including virus. Also rise of temperature in 7 10 days after the termination or ending of disease can testify to a beginning complication. If at your child the temperature has again risen, necessarily see a doctor, virtual consultation here has enough.