Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The daughter has had been ill with an angina with 7 go August. Were treated Flemoksin...

05.07.2004, 17:06
The daughter has had been ill with an angina with 7 go August. Were treated Flemoksinom (only 3 days), gargles by a sage and potassium permanganate. To 11, 08 temperature slept, rinsed or gargled before disappearance or eradication jazvochek-blisters or blebs on a palate. Sechas the throat does not hurt, but there was a terrible tussis. Within day he dry and when to sleep such sensation lays down, that on a back wall there is a sputum. Yesterday has had a fit of coughing up to a vomiting. The throat not red, can a little from constant tussis. Strongly coughs, when falls asleep, but when spt it is deep, to cough ceases. What will advise? Thanks.

The anonym
08.07.2004, 09:49
To show the child and LORu and to the pediatrist internally. It can be and a bronchitis and kokljush, both an allergy and a pathology of the top respiratory ways. And the 3 h a day time course a/you would bring to the child of more harm than advantage or benefit

Balashova T.L.
09.07.2004, 23:17
It completely agree with the previous opinion!