Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at the child (2 1 month) since May, 31st probably an angina, took a smear...

09.07.2004, 07:32
Hello, at the child (2 1 months) since May, 31st probably an angina, took a smear from a throat and from a nose on that Monday, pochemu-that still is not present results. A throat - former in scurf, drank or saw sumamed, therefore more antibiotics do not appoint or nominate, we sprinkle Inhalyptum, we drink a camomile, lymphonoduses are increased, rubs eyes since morning, from tussis - gedeliks, also available are available sopli and adenoides 2 items of the Tonsil are increased. The temperature kept 3 days, slept after reception summameda, ears hurted or were ill;were sick - put a compress, dripped furatsilinovyj alcohol. In an out-patient department of explanatory or sensible nothing speak, on reception on Monday. Something can you will advise? Thanks. To process ljugolem a throat does not give, have registered a beam - does not sit.

Balashova T.L.
09.07.2004, 22:37
Natasha! It is difficult to give advice or councils, not seeing a clinical picture. - to mine, it is necessary to wait result of a smear, then to treat in view of it or this. Till Monday it is possible to splash a throat to the child a spray geksoral (on 2 doses h 3 times a day). R-rum Ljugolja to smear it is not necessary, at an angina he is counter-indicative.