Просмотр полной версии : Dear Victor Semenovich! To my son 1 year of 9 months at a birth to him...

08.07.2004, 17:43
Dear Victor Semenovich!
1 year of 9 months at a birth to him has been diagnosed my son " kranio verteoralnaja a trauma ", the neuropathologist and the orthopedist marked or celebrated the lowered muscle tone of arms or hand and raised or increased - legs or foots. We proshloi a course of massage, not including it a serious problem. The son has gone to 1 year and 2 months. Now he often complains of a scelalgia, sometimes creeps instead of going. Doctors now speak, what is it consequences of a neonatal trauma, mark or celebrate delicacy of muscles and that, hundred stops plainly valgus. Recommend preparations (Mydocalmum, sermion), paraffinic applications, massage of a collar zone and an anticnemion and special footwear (advise to find the shoemaker who on sandali will make a special overlay). I worry for the son as I know nothing about such disease stop and I do not know, what consequences can be. And whether, in general, it is curable. What will you advise, the doctor?

Porohnja V.S.
09.07.2004, 14:55
Plosko-strephexopodias at all children till 5 years. After 5 years it is possible to speak about a platypodia only. Other pathology neurologic.