Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My daughter of 9 months. Us have directed to children's unit on d...

08.07.2004, 23:25
Hello! My daughter of 9 months. Us have directed to children's unit on a day time hospital under the neurologic status (only there have paid attention), before our pediatrist nothing spoke us, and there at survey has told or said the doctor, that the daughter should be shown the endocrinologist, t. To. One dummies another is more stuck out or evaginates more, than, what even any inspissation is to the touch felt. What is it can be, while to the endocrinologist have not entered the name, t. To. Turn to it or him;them, explain please, even approximately, what is it can be, differently I before record to the doctor all isperezhivajus. And more the daughter sometimes has wet palms and stops. With what it is connected? In advance I thank for the answer.

Krivskaja L.K.
09.07.2004, 07:48
Wet palms and stopy-most likely, banal vegeto-a vascular dystonia. Augmentation grudok at children till 1 year (and sometimes and later) - very frequent phenomenon. The reasons for it or this are not known, however treatment is not required, and all passes or takes place itself spontaneously.