Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me the child of 5 years, was born with a hypoxia, put..

The anonym
06.07.2004, 13:20
Hello, the doctor! At me the child of 5 years, was born with a hypoxia, put PEP. Owing to all all listed the tremor of handles (subsequently has been removed or has been taken off medikamentozno) was observed, it was marked or celebrated delicacy of arms or hand and legs or foots (pariticheskie handles and legs or pinches). Nasegodnja the child develops normally: skills of self-service are, speech in norm or rate, sleeps well, with a motility that's all right. But I am am disturbed with one moment: at the child palchiki not absolutely all equal, especially it is appreciable when are used any ukazajushchie gestures. In this connection at me a question: whether something is possible or probable now to correct (massage, gymnastics, medicines; in due time this all was spent, but it was visible there is not enough. Very much I worry for the child, especially that will be further at school (detki will tease and so on). Excuse for so volumetric letter. Very much I ask to respond. In advance I thank for the answer. Yours faithfully, Irina.

Suponeva N.A.
08.07.2004, 08:37
Irina, for the beginning check up the form palchikov at the close relatives - the father of the child, yours and the husband of parents, bratev-sisters. Can and correct it is not necessary?