Просмотр полной версии : To the kid of 7 months. When we sit next (the child considers or examines;surveys a toy, naprime...

01.07.2004, 15:15
To the kid of 7 months. When we sit next (the child considers or examines;surveys a toy, for example) and I in silence through a greater or big pause again start to speak (and a voice at me by nature quiet, besides quietly I speak), the child as though is frightened - begins suetitsja, at once headlong kuda-that creeps (as though runs off, either to me or from me - in different situations - to a miscellaneous). This normal display? Never we shout at the child, in the house we live with the husband we do not swear never, we do not shout, we do not offend each other, voobshchem, amicably we live. The kid very sensitive. So behaves not always, but once a day happens enough often. Thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
02.07.2004, 21:33
It is not absolutely clear yet as it looks or appears, observe, no trouble I do not see. Most likely so usual reaction of resuscitation is shown.

04.07.2004, 03:47
Addition: he/she is our first child. Disturbances of a dream in second half of night (GAZ cars, or a teeth which at it or him are cut activly). Eats well, basically thoracal milk, prikorm yet is not the basic meal. Has begun approximately one month ago. It is the truth looks or appears, as a fright. Yesterday I have called the husband to look or see, as the kid costs or stands and has released or has let off arms or hand, the husband went and more from a corridor has started to speak with the kid. The child has heard (probably, is unexpected for itself) a voice and at once arms or hand on edge or territory of a bed and "has run", but when ran has understood, what is it the daddy and to me has reached already joyful, smiled (I on other to edge or territory of a bed was, and he is able to move already with a leg). And in the beginning, as spohvatyvaetsja scaredly... The same reaction of a fright was, when I one month ago at the child (he looked that I do or make) tore off a wide adhesive tape (he comes off with very sharp sound) and pasted to him pictures on a wall. He at this sound has begun to fuss, like has rushed to crawl away, then has all the same come to me and sat next (but did not nestle in pavor, and simply observed, but to him also I probably was terrible has more decided at to not use itself an adhesive tape). Probably, now it is more clear, as he conducts itself(himself), when any sounds frighten it or him. But why frighten, it is not clear to me, I at all would not like it or him to frighten and do or make nervous. Sometimes I an angry voice with it or him talk, but on business I become angry both it happens seldom and he is not afraid (I to that I try to waken in the child only positive emotions, I do not shout at it or him is in general at us such equipment or installation with the husband in relation to the child). In general we as a matter of fact with the husband emotional, sensitive people (especially). But we like each other and the child too.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
05.07.2004, 10:46
Can be and reaction to a fright. Still it would be desirable to notice, that described by you psychological " the equipments or installations in relation to the child " not always are useful, we shall tell or say so. If you should constantly " come to yourselves on a throat " and is artificial to constrain the temperament in such atmosphere have chance to generate from the child the neurotic person. Also can quite be, that described episodes just and are early neurotic reactions of the child. Clearly, that here a question individual and complex or difficult, and I intentionally exaggerate, but to collide or face with it or this it is necessary pretty often. So behave with the child naturally and all will be normal.

06.07.2004, 08:52
Dear doctor, to me extremely seldom would be desirable to raise or increase a voice on the kid, is usual when at it or him look, so on heart it becomes very good also problems depart on other plan. He/she is our long-awaited child. And as to the equipment or installation so we try to apply it and in relation to each other - to like each other and to respect and to not vent the spleen, which has collected for example, at job on members of family in the house. It, I hope, normally? The only thing, in my opinion can be wrong (if I am not right, that the only thing - write) I try to not exclaim a loud voice unexpectedly to not frighten the child even if emotions positive (if for example, I shall see, that the child something does or makes good and something is interested), I exclaim, but not in all voice. And if the child will start OR will get used and but then will not be nevroticheski the brought up person? How you consider or count? Yours faithfully, thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
07.07.2004, 18:55
We, probably, spoke about different things. But conversation has passed in sphere is put. Psychologies so I recommend to continue dialogue in corresponding or meeting conference with specially trained person.