Просмотр полной версии : To the girl 1. 9. Very much early began to speak. Now at it or her big dictionary...

05.07.2004, 13:12
To the girl 1. 9. Very much early began to speak. Now at it or her the big lexicon, speaks on neskolku offers, tells small verses, itself tries to repeat all, remembers any fragments of songs. I began to notice, that it is sometimes difficult to her to start to speak (wishes to tell or say more, than can), repeats words or syllables in the beginning offers (d-daj-give, e-e-this, k-k-a vegetable marrow, - polozhtit), but not always. Sometimes she speaks normally. Whether it is necessary for something to undertake?

Julia - the logopedist of the maximum or supreme c
07.07.2004, 18:35
To undertake it is necessary immediately! This age is very sensitive to the big speech load. Show your girl to the neuropathologist. Urgently lower a speech load. Increase quantity or amount of a day time dream. Submit the made root valerianyv current of month. Speak with a daughter very soft voice, slowly and articulately. Do not force it or her to repeat a difficult word, speak this word together with her is better... .i. t. d.