Просмотр полной версии : In the age of 2 9 months at my son have found out hums in heart. At dalnejshe...

Baitova O.R.
06.07.2004, 03:56
In the age of 2 9 months at my son have found out hums in heart. At the further observation at the cardiologist it is diagnosed - VPS, a stenosis of an aorta that has confirmed inspection in a of Tyumen (TOKBIL) in the age of 4, 5 years. It would be desirable to learn or find out, whether it is possible to take now any measures that in the further to avoid an operative measure? Whether special conditions in d/to a garden and houses Are required? I shall be grateful for any advice or council.

Sharykin A.S.
07.07.2004, 05:10
Unfortunately, medicines an aortal stenosis to eliminate or erase;remove it is impossible. In your case, - visible, a degree of a stenosis small (about what gradient of pressure to you have told or said?), operation is required at an appreciable stenosis. To avoid its or his increase, prophylaxis of infectious diseases and exception of high exercise stresses (at loads the blood flow through the aortal valve amplifies and it is possible to provoke the further thickening of its or his cusps) are necessary.