Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Daughters 1 year, r 2* 2, nevrapotolog has registered a calcium, and...

03.07.2004, 05:02
Hello! Daughters 1 year, r 2* 2, nevrapotolog has registered a calcium, and our pediatrist of any preparations except for as a calcium gluconat could not advise. In 11 mes were at nevrapotologa she has told or said that any deviations or rejections in razvitiii not videt. Prompt what to do or make please? Thanks

Nogovitsyn V.J.
07.07.2004, 04:37
Anything. The fontanel sooner or later will be closed (whether much you saw adults with the open fontanels?), and directly the size of a fontanel is not connected with a calcium exchange. Besides if vse-taki at your doctor is the suspicion on disturbance of a mineral exchange (a calcium in this case) problem or task of the pediatrist to find out with what it is connected.