Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! To my son (3 mes) have diagnosed PEP. Thus in a map nap...

03.07.2004, 13:43
Uv. The doctor! To my son (3 mes) have diagnosed PEP. Thus in a map it is written: gidrotsefalnaja the form of a skull, a sign Gref on both eyes, a fontanel 5 3 sm, the increased seams between parietal or bregma bones. In addition to all muscular gipotonus, muscular dysfunction. The head to term 2 mes 3 ned on 0, 5 sm is more than thorax. Diacarbum, mixture with Pyracetamum have appointed or nominated treatment asparkam +. Though basically, in my opinion, the child corresponds or meets in development to the age. Only rather badly holds a head (in 2 mes 3 ned). But the doctor has told or said, that " the child n looks or appears for 3 months ". Was born in time, but small 2900. A question: 1. Whether it is correctly appointed or nominated lesenie 2. Whether it will be valid the child a hydrocephalus and what does it mean? This diagnosis (hydrocephalus) can result or bring in what consequences? In advance thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
04.07.2004, 05:54
It is necessary to show the child to the neurosurgeon. Only he has the right to do or make the conclusions about treatment of a hydrocephalus (will be or will not be a hydrocephalus is a guessing of grandmothers at an entrance, not having anything the general or common with medicine). TO TREAT a hydrocephalus medicines there is no sense, she is treated operatively. The more quickly will understand, the better the forecast.

05.07.2004, 02:42
That is you wish to tell or say, what on the resulted or brought parameters the child really has predilection to a hydrocephalus?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
06.07.2004, 16:12
No, I wish to tell or say, that if the suspicion on a hydrocephalus at your doctor has arisen, he is obliged to show the child to the neurosurgeon. In your description insufficiently given for the diagnosis.