Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! To my son 2 months, at it or him an icterus. Rezus-factors at me and at...

30.06.2004, 23:21
Zdrastvujte! To my son 2 months, at it or him an icterus. Rezus-factors at me and at the husband polozhtelnye, a hepatitis did not hurt or be ill;be sick. The doctor has registered Karsil, but the child has badly reacted to it or him, trouble, pains in a tummy. Tell or say please, than so long icterus is caused or called, on skolko it is dangerous, possible or probable methods of treatment. In advance thanks!

The anonym
03.07.2004, 17:27
Whether you handed over the analysis of a blood? What bilirubin? Who has diagnosed you?

04.07.2004, 08:10
Anaiz bloods have handed over on April, 30th (to the child 2 months), a bilirubin 76, have directed us to infektsionistu

06.07.2004, 05:57
Anaiz bloods have handed over on April, 30th (to the child 2 months), a bilirubin 76, have directed us to infektsionistu