Просмотр полной версии : Two at a birth 1. From what age it is possible to give juices, prikorm a porridge fruit? For...

03.07.2004, 05:12
Two at a birth 1. From what age it is possible to give juices, prikorm a porridge fruit? In advance thanks.

04.07.2004, 02:42
Everywhere on this subject - to a miscellaneous write. Gde-that juices are necessary for entering with 3 h months, gde-that - after 6 months. But voobshche-that approximately months with 4, 5 juices and fruit mashed potatoes are entered (though we all over again have begun with vegetable mashed potatoes iz-for a diathesis. Fruit and juices we do not eat in general). If at the child normal reaction, in couple of weeks it is possible to enter vegetable mashed potatoes. After the child confidently to cope with portion of vegetable mashed potatoes it will be possible to start to enter porridges. Cottage cheese and yogurt are entered after 6 ti months, meat from 7 8 months. But do not forget each new product to enter on a tea spoon, gradually increasing or enlarging volume up to norm or rate.
And voobshche-that in all other normal countries (except for ours) prikorm is not recommended to be entered to children up to 6 ti months.

04.07.2004, 22:13
Esteem about juices here http: // www. kuzovkina. pp. ru/children/malenky/opyt/sok. htm

The anonym
05.07.2004, 06:51
On all jars with a children's delivery it is written from what age that it is possible to give. And to be absolutely quiet, take the directory of the pediatrist. In itself there is a special table when and that it is necessary to give children. And if to not give prikorm till 6 months as to you have recommended, - there is nothing good eto will not result or bring. Through thoracal milk it is impossible to receive all necessary substances, as detok two. And one milk they will not gorge on.

17 Two at a birth
05.07.2004, 13:31
If on thoracal feeding not ranshe-6 months And if iskustvenniki write on what weeks were born, skakim vesomi javam I shall in detail paint the scheme or plan prikormov.