
Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To a daughter of 7 years. 2 days ago has complained that " hurts pisja "...

05.07.2004, 05:42
Hello! To a daughter of 7 years. 2 days ago has complained that " hurts pisja ". Has looked or seen - small reddening and any 2 spots on greater or big sexual labiums. I have solved, what is it something of type of a heat rash, have spread with the children's cream, in the next evening she again it complains. I look - there one more spot, about the most sexual cleft or rima, and as a blister. Have again spread with a children's cream. That is very strongly scratched there where spots last night complains. I have thought, that, can, it is any allergy, have given her "Klarotadin" and have spread spots "aflodermom", having diluted with its or his children's cream. Today in the morning spots look or appear better, but to a daughter painfully to write and small sexual labiums kak-that have swelled. Can, it is allergic reaction on "afloderm"? What in general to do or make in such situation? I have called in an out-patient department, but the gynecologist on study, and everything, is more in our small town of children's gynecologists is not present, and vzhenskoj consultations speak, that such small do not undertake to look. Help or Assist, please, if probably. Thanks.

Albanova V.I.
05.07.2004, 13:26
It is possible to address to the dermatologist, including in our Center, 284 21 87. Aflodermom any more do not smear, make sedentary trays or basins with broth of a camomile or a sage, cool 2 3 once a day, give for the night Valeriana 7 kap.