Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my son (3 years) with a break in 2 weeks the otitis odn has begun...

02.07.2004, 23:10
Hello! At my son (3 years) with a break in 2 weeks unilateral, and for the first time on the one hand, second time - the otitis has begun with another. At survey in posleny time the doctor has told or said, that the reason in an edema mucous a nose. Has appointed or nominated garazon on 13 r in day, klaritin, warmly (lamp) to an ear. Plus to it or this we process ears and a nose 3 times in day DENASom. The doctor has told or said in ears nothing to drip. In the first day of treatment to the child it became much better (the temperature without reception antipyretic) slept. Today at night (3 day) complained of a pain in an ear, the temperature up to 37, 5 has risen. Whether speaks it what the appointed or nominated treatment is noneffective? What it is possible to add to treatment before we shall seem LORu? What measures to accept, that otites did not repeat any more?

04.07.2004, 12:33
And what otitis at you? Acute catarral? How the first otitis - which 2 weeks ago has been treated?
The reason of an otitis at malnkih children as a rule in a rhinitis (well and an edema mucous, as consequence or investigation). So at treatment for an otitis as a rule are used vasoconstrictive for a nose and a lavage. (same is prophylaxis of otites in the future at a rhinitis). About an inefficiency of treatment - probably you are right, treatment insufficiently effectively and is required additional survey of the otolaryngologist. And that otites did not repeat it is necessary to watch or keep up a status of adenoides
To avoid hit of water in ears within several months after the transferred or carried otitis
Competently to treat a rhinitis from the very beginning of disease.

04.07.2004, 16:08
Was salpingootit, now, probably, too (that such acute catarral I do not know... Have collided or faced for the first time...) treated for the first time only a dark blue lamp and DENASom, t. To. Have found out at a stage of " the residual phenomena ", still did or made gymnastics (inflated or distended globules, soap bubbles). In second time the child before occurrence of the complaint to ears, really, complained that to him is bad to breathe - there was any problem with a nose, but the acute rhinitis was not (dripped nazivin). The Mb, the first otitis became by not finished the cure? Whether it is necessary to drip something in ears (otipaks, for example)? And what agents can be used even for treatment, except for antibiotics, before visit to the doctor? Now temp-ra 37, 2, and to LOR-to the doctor we can seem only tomorrow. And more: and how it " competently to treat a rhinitis from the very beginning of disease "? Our doctors consider or count, that a rhinitis to treat it is not necessary. (Now at the younger child the acute rhinitis, from a nose flows a stream.) in advance I thank!!!

05.07.2004, 06:37
By your otitis the disadvantage of ventilation promoted. And with salpingootitom I did not collide or face, only acute catarral in the past to year at the son not time treated. About drops anything I can not advise, because I consider or count, that the aural pain is extremely serious and demands the qualified treatment. I hope, the doctor will help or assist us to understand terminology. I can tell or say only concerning treatment of a rhinitis - competent treatment of a rhinitis includes constant lavages of a nose, vysmarkivanie (vysasyvanie slime) and zakapyvanie vasoconstrictive 3 times in day. Otherwise iz-for a plenty of slime and an edema mucous a nose conditions for development of complications - otites, genyantrites, evstahiitov are framed...