Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Prompt please: my daughter 2 months, almost with...

04.07.2004, 06:22
Hello, the doctor. Prompt please: my daughter 2 months, almost from a maternity home at it or her liquid enough chair, zhelto-greenish, last time foamy, with very acidic smell, very much disturbs a tummy, it is a lot of pukaet, in a tummy constantly rages. Have handed over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis:
E. coli hemolyzing - norm or rate of 0 %, at us of 33 %
laktobatsilly - norm or rate 105 - 108 degrees, at us <104
bifidobakterii to holes 108 - 1011 degrees, at us <106

Local doktornaznachila to us treatment:
laktoglobulin on 1 dose 2 times a day 10, then
laktobakterin on 3 doses of once a day 15 days, then
bifidumbakterin on 2, 5 doses 2 times in day of 15 days

We the doctor is assured that at the child klebsiely, she considers or counts that signs such. Tell or say, it is possible or probable?
And more she to us has told or said that to vyshenaznachennomu to a course it is necessary to drink smektu on 1/3 bags 3 in day, no-shpu on 1/4 3 in day and Polyvitaminums. Prompt, please, it is really necessary? And if yes, what Polyvitaminums it is better?

Chernorutskaja E.I.
04.07.2004, 10:22
Alain, about constant reception smekty and no-shpy I doubt, most likely, the doctor had in view of a short course of their application, probably, as klebsielly for you too are available, but usually them it is visible under the analysis. In any case, the appointed or nominated treatment bifido-and laktobakterijami to you will not damage or injure;hurt.
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