Просмотр полной версии : We wish to pass or take place treatment in the center "Primavera". There Treatment aminok is spent...

30.06.2004, 18:57
We wish to pass or take place treatment in the center "Primavera". There
Treatment by amino acids is spent. At my son 5 ti years DTSP atonichesko-the astatic form.
Whether treatment is spent gde-nibud abroad
DTSP amino acids? As you concern to similar
To treatment?

Malmberg Sergey Aleksandrovich
01.07.2004, 19:42
Amino acids are certainly useful and are used as nejrotroficheskih preparations (in particular they contain in such preparation as Cerebrolysinum widely used for treatment of such patients). I would not advise you to use this center owing to unfairly high cost of treatment and to not believe promises of their experts to cure the child.

03.07.2004, 11:33
Try to consult in Institute clinical reabilitologii in a Tula (they have a site on the Internet). My friends there have cured the child.