Просмотр полной версии : On reception at the pediatrist at my son 4, 5 months have heard to functional hum...

01.07.2004, 20:37
On reception at the pediatrist at my son 4, 5 months have heard to functional hum in heart. No attributes are present. The boy 8, 3 kg, is healthy also oars, well adds in weight. What does it mean? The doctor has told or said to not worry and nothing to do or make.

Tutelman K.M.
03.07.2004, 07:27
That hum functional speaks that the pediatrist does not connect or bind it or him with an organic pathology of heart (heart diseases, etc.), and its or his reason are small anomaly of development of heart or feature of a hemodynamic in this or that vozrastonoj the period of the child. If in it or this there are doubts it is necessary to execute EhoKG and to exclude an organic pathology.
Also see http: // pedcardio. narod. ru