Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To the child almost 3 months on thoracal feeding. Whether it is necessary davat...

29.06.2004, 21:50
Hello! To the child almost 3 months on thoracal feeding. Whether it is necessary to give her vitamin D? Or it is better to accept to me cod-liver oil? We in Siberia live, it is not enough sun.

30.06.2004, 04:02
It is better to give vitamin D to the child, in this case it or he can be dosed out more precisely.

01.07.2004, 15:34
Necessarily give the child an aqueous solution of vitamin D, on 1 2 drops in day

02.07.2004, 08:28
Dear anastasija! The Solution of vitamin D is issued in various concentration, and in a dosage each drop is important. The dose steals up individually. Usually to prophylaxis of a rachitis apply doses 200 400 ME in day. The overdosage - can be dangerous! Advice or councils " 1 2 drops " not priemlimy.

02.07.2004, 22:40
While thoracal milk makes not less than two thirds of received nutrition, will be enough, if you will accept vitamins for pregnant and feeding (materna, vitrum prenatal and t. Item)