Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! My daughter studies in 9 classes, at it or her a myopia 4, 5 diopt...

01.07.2004, 15:29
The dear doctor! My daughter studies in 9 classes, at it or her a myopia 4, 5 diopters, wears glasses constantly. How in that case solves a question with lessons of physical culture? She tried to be engaged without glasses or spots, but badly sees, badly is guided, etc. And when she is engaged in glasses or spots they shiver at run, etc. employment or occupations, once recently them to her have broken a ball - in general, it is very inconvenient. Likely, she not one such. How to act?

Gorlacheva L.I.
02.07.2004, 18:28
At such myopia to be engaged in physical culture it is possible in the basic group. If there are psychological difficulties, it is possible to translate or transfer the girl in spets. Group.