Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. To the child 6 months It or He is hurted with a stomach or belly, a liquid chair zele...

01.07.2004, 09:06
Hello, the doctor. To the child 6 months
It or He is hurted with a stomach or belly, a liquid chair of greenish color with slime and lumps almost after each feeding (3). I Nurse. These signs since a birth, in weight nobiraet it is good, suffers alergicheskim a diathesis, frequent ORV. Has started to try to give juice and mashed potatoes, the chair worsens continuous water and not digested lumps of fruit. Result of the analysis on a microlandscape such:
Normal intestinal rod 6, 8x10 7
Laktozonegativnoj an intestinal rod of 40 %
Hemolitic kish a rod 0
Enterococci (under the attitude or relation to all flora) 10 5
Staphilococcus 0
protej 0
Kandida 0
Bifidobakterii 10 9
laktobakterii 10 7
UPE enterobacter aer 10 5
Treated mezimom and bifido (forte) and lakto bakterin, lineksom. Results any are not present improvement.
Advise than treat!!!!!? The doctors except for listed do not appoint or nominate anything. The child is excruciated
Many thanks for the answer!

02.07.2004, 16:35
Nashego spasli tolko Antibiotiki. Te zhe simptomi s rojdeniya. Snachla lechili Bakterifagami, no ne pomogalo. Potom delali FORTUM 500 ed. 10 dney po 1 razdelennomu na 2 raza v den. Potom lechili Disbakterioz Bifidumbakterinom and LINEX. Seychas 6 mes, vse normalmo. Posovetuytes s pediatrom, jalko malisha, nas toje tak muchalsa.