Просмотр полной версии : I ask advice or council. Daughters eight let-rather healthy and clever girl. But with...

01.07.2004, 01:50
I ask advice or council. Daughters eight let-rather healthy and clever girl. But nervous habit spasms have begun with 7 years - all over again frequent blinkings of eyes, twitchings of muscles of the face (periods). Possibly, it has been connected with unsuccessful rodami-an encirclement a cord or navel, - cesarean section, was born hydropic and with gipetonusom which have been cured on 1 m to year. After the spent treatment at the neuropathologist Mezapamum, Pyracetamum and glitsinom, habit spasms became less often, but now here they have regenerated in twitching the left brachium, t. e. She constantly inclines a head to the left and lifts a brachium (as though something in an ear disturbs it or her). What will advise to undertake?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
02.07.2004, 02:02
To make an electroencephalogram, to talk to the neurologist already with results EEG and after that at confidence of the diagnosis resulted or brought by you to go to the psychologist.