Просмотр полной версии : To my nephew of 12 years Within 3 years at it or him an allopecia, suspected metal...

30.06.2004, 17:59
To my nephew of 12 years Within 3 years at it or him an allopecia, suspected metalloz. Has replaced a residence, within a year - however on a head only a pappus places. Nervous, irritable.
By the dermatologist and pediatrists it was repeatedly surveyed, hormones a board of a gland - norm or rate. Eats - well. First two years - started to grow hair in the summer, vesnoju - dropped out, and now without a difference. There can be who that can help or assist, will prompt. One more variant is - in it or this to year goes to Perm in the children's center ekopatologii.

01.07.2004, 21:43
I not the doctor, but at my son an alopecia 5 years and I would like to share with you some infomatsiej.
Vo-the first if is ozmozhnost, urgently address to doctor Mazitovoj, in TSNIKVI. She specializes on this problem. 2 months ago I was at it or her. We have passed or have taken place full inspection and have revealed disturbance of vascular system, narushenottok bloods from a head. In addition to it or this at it or him have found a reactive pancreatitis and disturbances of job of an intestine. But the principal cause is vessels. My son too was very nervous. She has appointed or nominated treatment to 6 months. In 6 months again to Moscow. If will correctly treat all normally. By the way at TSNIKVI there is a site where you can learn or find out all about Mazitovu: www. cnikvi. ru
I wish good luck.